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Pokemon Scarlet Livestream Leaks Dozens Of New Pokemon

Nintendo has already been battling Pokemon Scarlet and Violet leaks, but now the entire game is being live-streamed to more than a thousand people, more than a week ahead of release.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

At time of writing, a stream has been up on Trovo(opens in new tab) for more than ten hours, with the player having just unlocked their fourth badge. As you might imagine, that means a pretty kitted-out team, complete with a full starter evolution of Quaxley.

There’s A Whole Suite Of Pokemon On Display That We’ve Not Seen Before, Both Those That Are New To Scarlet And Violet And Those That Are Returning From Other Generations.

I won’t go into detail about any of those here, but it means that if you’re hoping to go into Scarlet and Violet spoiler-free, you’ll likely need to be even more vigilant than before.

Everything from starter evolutions to mid-game minibosses and gym battles are being revealed, and there’s no sign of the stream stopping anytime soon.

While this might not be the exact copy of the game that’ll appear on shelves and in players’ hands from next week, it’s likely pretty close.
That makes some of the graphical performance revealed on the stream pretty disappointing.
It’s not too bad when you get up close, but there’s severe pop-in pretty much all over the map, making the world seem pretty barren until the moment a swarm of Pokemon appears right on top of you.
There’s still time for that to be polished up a little, and it’s possible this is an older build of the game, but right now it’s worse than it appeared in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

Recent leaks seemed to reveal a middle evolution for another of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet starters. Earlier this week, a Pokemon called Crocalor showed up as an evolution of fire-type Fuecoco, but that leak was nothing like the scale of this one. You shouldn’t have too long to dodge spoilers, but it’s certainly worth being careful for the next few days.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trailer, details, and screenshots - Books, Black  Crystal Tera Raid Battles, Tera Raid Battle Events, more - Gematsu

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Here Are All Gen 9 Pokémon

Scarlet & Violet have been pretty leaky, with more and more info on the game slowly dripping onto the internet throughout the last few weeks. Today has been the absolute peak though, as the game got into the hands of some people who proceeded to stream it for hours on end. Apparently, a ROM of the game is floating around the internet as well. That obviously means an endless sea of leaks.

It’s set to grow pretty soon, but here’s the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex so far. 

And that, of course, also includes all the new Pokémon in the game. These have been collected by CentroLeaks on Twitter, who collected them all in one image. Obvious warning: only click on the link if you don’t mind being spoiled!

There are 90-odd new Pokémon and to be honest, not much popped out to me yet. Some look nice, but most of them are fairly bland. This is just my personal opinion based on a Twitter image though. We’ll just have to wait one more week, and then we can see what the little monsters really have to offer.


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