Modern technology gives us many things.

Who are DevOps engineers and what do they do?

Relatively recently, a very interesting profession has appeared in the field of computer technology. Currently, it is more in demand and more complex than the existing ones. So, for those who are interested in this profession, who will be interested to know what a DevOps Engineer is, what are its functions, what skills and knowledge this profession requires, and what appeals to the idea of ​​​​entering this area, continue reading this article.

What is a DevOps Engineer?

Simply put, but quite accurately, a DevOps engineer is a combination of two words that cover areas so different and complex that they happily bridged each other thanks to this new computing profession, such as Dev (development) and Ops (from the word Operations).

A DevOps engineer is someone who works with software developers and IT staff (the staff responsible for doing everything related to system operations i.e. backup, virtualization, configurations and implementations in operating systems, etc.). They may be software developers who are interested in automating system deployment and network operations, or they may be system administrators (SYS) who are passionate about scripting or programming and use these skills to speed up deployment, configuration and testing more efficiently by automation of many processes that are usually performed manually.

If you want to implement a project using DevOps technology, then you will need the help of devops engineers. Then you can be sure that everything will be done with the highest quality.

This is a relatively new profession as it can be said that it has been officially recognized since around 2009. At that time, new tools began to appear for this type of professional. However, it can be said that in the last 5 years this profession has been in great demand since today there are several types of tools that largely support this new profession, and therefore automation, orchestration, application containerization technology, automatic concurrent configuration management, and versioning. These are factors that are highly valued and implemented in companies with large infrastructures on-premises or the cloud.

DevOps Engineer Responsibilities and Tools

The responsibilities of a DevOps engineer vary greatly from organization to organization, but invariably almost always include common combinations of mass deployment of configuration or application installations on hundreds or thousands of servers, provision of infrastructure, automated system management, mass automated deployment of computer security to multiple endpoints (or personal computers, whether desktops or laptops), such as antivirus, storage encryption systems, ransomware protection (viruses that intercept information from your victims and encrypt it until the victim pays a ransom), and other.

Tools for DevOps vary greatly depending on many variables, such as the language or platform on which the framework was implemented as code, a term already widely used in organizations that use the DevOps methodology. Whether the infrastructure is provisioned locally, in the cloud, or is a hybrid infrastructure that includes both types, the DevOps engineer will need to use different tools.

DevOps salary

This item varies greatly depending on the role and geographic area in which the DevOps engineer is located, but we can give an estimate of what the average salary is regardless of its functions. For example, in the US, the average salary for a DevOps engineer is about $126,000 per year (about €111,000 per year), and in Europe, the annual salary for a DevOps engineer is about €50,000 per year. That is, it all depends on the region and location.

This data is provided by companies that handle both recruitment and payroll reporting provided anonymously by professionals in the industry.

The profession of a DevOps engineer is relatively new and interesting in its way. Becoming such a specialist requires a lot of knowledge, practice, and skills.


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