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Why did Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller decide to be seperated?

Even though it is made up, Blonde, a new movie on Netflix about Marilyn Monroe’s life, takes a look at her childhood as Norma Jeane Mortensen and follows her fast-paced career as Marilyn.

The movie looks at several of Monroe’s relationships. Her marriage to Arthur Miller, her third husband, is one of the most well-known. At first, the couple seemed like a match made in heaven, but their marriage did not last. The movie moves quickly past their breakup, though.

Fans have been left wondering why Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller got a divorce in the end.

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Arthur Miller was a famous playwright and the third husband of Marilyn Monroe. The two met in the early 1950s, and their relationship became more severe after Marilyn’s divorce from her second husband was finalized in October 1955. At the time, Miller was still married.

Miller divorced his first wife, and on June 29, 1956, he married Marilyn. Their marriage lasted almost five years, making it the longest relationship Monroe had ever had.

At the time, many fans and the press saw Marilyn and Arthur’s marriage as a bad match. They were called “The Egghead and the Hourglass” because he was seen as innovative, and she was seen as a sex symbol.

During the first few years of their relationship, things were mostly good, but the FBI investigated Miller because of rumors that he was a communist. This led to a file being opened on Marilyn as well.

Monroe and Miller said they were getting a divorce in November 1960. The divorce was finalized in January 1961, just over a year before Marilyn died at age 36 in 1962.


Marilyn and Arthur’s relationship ended because they had arguments while making the movie The Misfits. The biography says that the movie, which was based on a short story by Miller, was meant to help people think of Marilyn as a serious actress.

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But by the time filming started in 1960, Monroe and Miller had a lot of disagreements about the script, which was changed many times. Marilyn said at the time, “Arthur said it is his movie.”

“I do not even think he wants me to be there. It is finished. We must stay together because splitting up now would be bad for the movie.” The biography says that Monroe’s continued drug use made the shoot even harder since she had to stay in the hospital for a week in Los Angeles to try to get clean.

But by the time Monroe was able to come back to finish filming, her relationship with Miller was almost over, and they would file for divorce when filming was done.

Their divorce was finalized on January 20, 1961. This date is said to have been chosen so that John F. Kennedy’s inauguration would overshadow the news on the same day.

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Blonde does not try to hide the fact that Marilyn Monroe had many lovers over the course of her life, which is something that is well known. Monroe was married three times during her life. She also had short relationships with Charlie Chaplin Jr. and John F. Kennedy.

James Dougherty was Marilyn’s first husband. She married him when she was 16 years old, in 1942. In 1948, they got a divorce. Marilyn’s second marriage was to former New York Yankees baseball player Joe DiMaggio in 1954. However, Monroe filed for divorce after only nine months because she and DiMaggio disagreed on Marilyn’s more racy work.

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